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Travel the world for free? Impossible. I know it sounds weird, but it is possible or at least very cheap. I did it for so many years. And I can tell you, I lived my best years. As summer is approaching, might be you can find your summer job somewhere abroad and come home as a new person.
Where it all started
It was 14 years ago and I was ready to go my own way. As a someone from such a small country as Slovakia I wanted to see the world, but first I needed to learn English, so I came to the England as an Au-pair.
What to do and where to find a job
Being an Au-Pair is the easiest and cheapest start to being independent. You will have all inclusive – accommodation, food, travel for free plus you earn some money as well, which you can spend or save, it’s up to you. But later when you know neighborhood and you know your day schedule you can find extra job in your free time to earn extra money. It worked for me, I could afford everything and save money for extra adventure. Probably you are asking how it is possible, but if you don’t pay for accommodation ( bills included ) and food – this is the most expensive, you can save that little money. Opportunities are endless with the extra job, babysitting, work in coffee shops, restaurants, shops, hotels… everyone is looking for extra staff and especially part timers. Many people works on ‘Zero Hours Contract’ which means no commitment and you work when you are able to work.
If working is not your thing and you want to travel, explore the country you, have plenty of time to do this. Weekends are free most of the time.
Do what you like the most
When I got tired to work as an Au-Pair I returned home and took the Ski Instructor Course. Finally to do what I always wanted to do. This course gave me the opportunity to travel even more. My dream came true when I got a job in Canada as a Ski Instructor. I was only 22 and I reached my dream. What is next?
Travel solo
I realized to travel alone is much easier and better than in a group or as a couple. It can be scary for a bit, but I enjoyed so many new things. Trust me, is easier to take one person for a trip than two people. There is always room for one, not so often for two. So I went skiing to Whistler ( there was only one space in the car ) of course I had accommodation and food for free ( friend lived there ). All I had to pay for was a Ski Pass. Anyway, what I am trying to say you always have an opportunity to find a job and way to get there.
Opportunities are endless
If you don’t have a special knowledge, you might speak the language what they need and work as an entrepreneur – that’s what I did in Turkey , or some hotel jobs. Again opportunities are endless. You will always find the way to travel and explore the country when you are already there. If you are lucky enough and the place is desperate for a working staff they will even pay for your travel ticket and most of the time accommodation and food is included.
The best job
The best job what I had so far is Tour operator/Travel guide. Agency sent me to the destination where I had everything for free. Flight ticket is always included and you spent most of the free time on the beach or you do shopping in different Cities, which is pretty cool. Don’t forget you need to work as well, but everything depend on your organization skills. Also as you work you build relationships with shop owners, hotels, restaurants or agencies and you can even make commissions from them if you direct your guests there. And of course you eat for free and shop with a special discounts. I swam with the dolphins in Turkey and rafting in Croatia for free. Isn’t it cool?
So have a look around, think what do you like to do and go for it. You will never regret it. And let me know in the comments how do you like to travel.