Sustainable Shopping For a Newborn

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Every first-time mum knows that excitement to go shopping to have everything ready for a big baby arrival. Of course, there are many brands what make baby clothes and accessories, but if you want something really special you will end up browsing the internet and looking for that unique brands specialised in baby stuff.

  1. The Kind Label 2. My Little Bibdana 3., 7.  Dear Eco 4.,5. Elchkids  6. TSF by Katarina 8.Villo Design

What to do and where to shop

If you are a little crafty you can make clothes for your little one. Don’t get me wrong, I loved everything but I had an urge to be different, so I started to create and make baby clothes so I  opened the TSF by Katarina, One of a Kind . And that’s what many mums do when they can not find something that they imagined for their little darlings they just make it. Most of the time there is a childhood inspiration. And just because there are so many interesting and unique brands we decided to present to you few of them.  We try to make your life easier and put the presentation of adorable little musts here. Also you can browse our Brands selection page, where you can find more.


Each of this brand offers a beautiful selection of newborn accessories and clothes. If you know about any beautiful sustainable brand please let us know.