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The brand “KOKORI” draws its name from an old-lovely café of Xanthi ’s old town in Greece.
Beginning Of The Journey
KOKORI is a blossoming girl’s wear brand for 2 to 12 years old girls. Established in 2016 in London UK, after many years of dreaming and researching.
Clothes KOKORI/ Shoes TSF by Katarina
The Mission
The ethos is simply to make children happy and feel unique in their own way. KOKORI wants children to have an intuitive bond with the garments, a bond that will live long with them and form dreams that will carry them to their adultness. The aim is to produce garments of the highest quality fabrics with sophisticated little creative details that will weather enduringly. Manufacture them in a sustainable manner with fair trade conditions in mind, together with people that are like minded.
Kokori, Is Also A Life Story.
KOKORI team are two sisters Duygu & Fatos who share the same passion behind the brand. A passion that is surrounded by fabrics, sewing, colours, cutting, measuring and a lot more. Something that grew from a very early stage in their life. Who would have thought that their childhood plays around their mum’s Singer sewing machine would become also real life’s profession?
However, that flame and love for fabrics never faded away. Now, they are making clothing for real girls, and no longer for dolls :).
KOKORI collaborate with small ateliers and businesses, most young female entrepreneurs.