Capsule Wardrobe My Way – A Year Without Shopping Challenge October Update

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Hello again. End of October is here and this is the time for a challenge update. Every month is getting harder and harder to write an update about the shopping ban when I have nothing to write about. Confusing? Let me explain. At the begging, it was hard not to think about shopping. Now it is hard to write about shopping ban when there is no shopping and it already becomes a lifestyle not to go shopping.

What To Expect

In January I had no idea what to expect from this challenge. I just decided to do it, with the focus on doing something else not keeping an eye on the latest fashion trends. It actually became really eye-opening as the months passing by. I know I can live with the few t-shirts and two pairs of jeans. Is not necessary to have ” hundreds” pair of socks either. Yes, few pieces of everything is more than enough.

Caspule Wardrobe Challenge

Having Less

My wardrobe getting smaller every month. I even managed to put all of my clothes in one wardrobe. No, I didn’t have that many clothes it just was a bit too much to stick it in one. It doesn’t need to be stuck anymore, it looks nice piled up in one place. Not to mention I always have something to wear. I build up my uniform. What is great. I feel great every single day. The most important isn’t it?

What I Actually Bought

This month is a bit different. I had to buy a few pairs of socks. I was left with none. I would never think it will take me so long to choose the pair of socks. I was looking at the quality as well not just the colour. I bought bamboo socks.

What Will I Wear In Coming Month

Jeans, long sleeve t-shirts, blouses and knits, loads of them. And I am swapping my trench coat for a winter coat. Not a puffer yet, great. If you like some inspiration I prepared some collages.

Where to shop

Everlane, ABLE, BaukjenCaspule Wardrobe Challenge Caspule Wardrobe Challenge

Would you do the same challenge as me? Have you ever done any challenge? Let me know in the comments.