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It’s that time of the year when everyone rushing to be outside as short as possible and to get home as soon as possible to be cosy at home again. But winter can be really magical. Thanks to snow outside it look like it is even easier to keep everything minimalistic and clutter-free. But we don’t always feel the same about our style and wardrobe. We take as many layers as possible just not to freeze out. Sometimes our style can feel really cluttered and confused. We can make changes, we can even travel light in winter and I am talking about carry-on only. You don’t think so? I will show you the key to light winter travel.
T-shirt / Shirt / Silk Skirt / Cashmere Sweaters / Turtleneck / Puffer Coat / Jeans / Boots / Duffle Bag /
Crossbody Bag / Oversized Shawl / Knit Beanie / Satin skirt
Winter Travel
Since the last winter, I learned a thing or two about materials. That extra skill helps me to manage my packing a bit smarter and keep free hands to chase the kids. Every time when we are on the go I try to take less than on the last trip. I even plan ahead my outfits. It doesn’t always work, because the weather can change anytime, but it is still easier to pack. To plan your outfits in winter makes it easier, most of the time temperatures are far below zero. In winter you can plan your outfits for a whole stay. Stay with me and I show you how.
What To Pack
The longer I travel I pack fewer items. Good quality items are key. Especially in the winter when you need to stay warm to really enjoy your stay. What you’ll find in my carry-on luggage.
Jeans – I take only one pair of jeans. I did it last winter and I was perfectly fine. Take your favourite most flattering and easy-to-wear with everything jeans and you will be ready for any kind of occasion.
Sweaters – it depends on the length of your stay, but 2 maximum of 3 will be more than enough. I would suggest going for a cashmere if your budget allows you. I didn’t want to believe it, but you don’t have to wash cashmere after every single use, just to air dry and you can wear it again the next day. Natural materials work magic, so you should really stay away from any synthetics if you like to travel light.
T-shirt – I said it so many times and I will say it again. A good quality basic t-shirt in a neutral colour is a must. You should get a few in your capsule wardrobe. For travelling, but even in everyday life, the SilverTech organic t-shirt from Organic Basics is my favourite, I wish I found it earlier. If you don’t trust me, you can try it on with a 10% off when you use code OBFRIENDS.
Shirt – when you need to be more dressed up or you like to feel more put together the white shirt is a great item to take.
Skirt – if you travel home for Christmas or you are expecting to be dressed up for any occasion on your travel the silk skirt is a good choice. It will look good even with your winter boots.
Puffer Coat – is the key item to keep you warm. I always thought the puffer jackets are awful and make me look like a bear. But it doesn’t have to be true. Even designers came with puffer jackets, so don’t worry get one and you won’t wear your ordinary coat in the coldest months anymore. I love it when I don’t need to take 5 layers underneath, one is more than enough. When the temperature allows me and outside is not a -10 and lower I am fine with the simple short sleeve t-shirt to wear under my puffer.
Boots – good quality winter boots are a must. I just can’t imagine walking in the 2 metres of snow in low ankle booties or heels. Only when you are warm and dry you can enjoy your winter stay and outside activities.
Accessories – to travel stylishly you will need a great looking bag. To keep your small necessities on hand, the small crossbody bag is a must. To keep you warm the thick cashmere shawl is a great choice, which can be used as an extra layer when you need it. And to keep your eyes safe, you will need really good sunglasses- snow is too bright not to wear one.
Did you book your winter holidays yet? Please share your must-have pieces in the comments.
If you like more outfit inspiration you can find it here or here.